Dutch Auctions

We believe that the market should determine the price of a token rather than you or I. The Dutch Auction mechanism achieves this fairness for two main reasons. First, at every auction everyone who buys a token, buys it at the same price. Second, the market determines that price.

How a Dutch Auction Works

Every Dutch auction has a set amount of tokens available to be bought. The price is initially set at a high price and during the auction continues to drop. The price drops until either all the tokens are sold, or hits a minimum price.

Set Up

Each dutch auction is defined by a start and end time, starting and minimum token price and the number of tokens to be sold. From this, the linear pricing is determined auction begins automatically. Users are invited to contribute funds as soon as the start time begins.

More information

This work was inspired by both the Algorand and Gnosis dutch auctions. More details can be found here: Algo Auction We do not support the refund policy but may do so in the future.